Somebody has been calling me finicky, a first amongst the various adjectives used for me.
The Merriam Webster says finicky: extremely or excessively particular, exacting, or meticulous in taste or standards
But am I really finicky or just particular? To be finicky I need to be excessively particular.
Talking about food, guess I am quite particular about the food I eat. Too many greens are not really acceptable. My taste buds are yet to be properly attuned to continental or for that matter Oriental food. What that leaves me with is to choose from Mughlai or homemade food and of course mostly non-vegetarian.
Clothes – I am hardly particular about. With my average sense of dressing, and the colour combination challenge I live with there is no way I can be finicky about the way I dress.
What I am particular (finicky if you wish) about is my language. Want to be able to always use the correct language while talking or writing. This idea has come about mainly with the belief that to be able to write well is an art. The play of words – spoken or written – is an art. Wit is derived quite a bit from the command over the language. Shakespeare’s play of words makes his simple stories classics, Churchill’s wit is legendary. Wit is close to intelligence.
It is also this desire to achieve a high degree of command over the language that makes me very particular about it. Just as I try to be particular about the title of my blog posts.
I am proud of my small collection of books. I do not lend books to anyone I suspect might not use them properly. In that way, I am very particular about my books too.
Anything else that I am particular about, you tell me.
So am I excessively particular or plain particular.